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Why Barnaby Jack Was So Good

The other day I found myself watching a video of Barnaby Jack‘s famed “Jackpotting” presentation from Black Hat 2010. Truth be told, I forgot how good he was.

I know what you’re thinking: “You’re an idiot, Brenner. Of course he was good. He was one hell of a hacker. You shouldn’t have to watch an old video to know that.”

Here’s the thing: None of us will ever forget his showmanship or his fun and gentle manner. But watching the video reminded me of how dedicated he was to righting wrongs and using his talents for the greater good.

The flash of his presentation comes later in the video, with the ATM machines spitting out money. He could have milked that part of it, but right out of the gate, he’s clearly stating his reason for giving the demo:

Right out of the gate, he’s showing his heart and sense of responsibility.

Watch and judge for yourselves:

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