Site icon Liquidmatrix Security Digest

Good morning – would you like a hot cup of Dr. Pepper?

So here’s what I’m thinking. I’ve been getting no comment love for the dedicated-to-the-task-at-hand infosec posts, so I’m going to give you a glimpse of how I find infosec in everything. (Yes, I understand that there’s probably a DSM IV page dedicated to me – move along you.)

  1. Practice employee security awareness techniques. And for goodness sakes do a background check – can you imagine having to work with one of these wankers?
  2. Increase clarity during the weekly Vulnerability Review Meeting.
  3. Determine that the monkey which wipes Donald Trump’s ass makes more than you make writing blog entries for the centralized log management czar.
  4. Decide on the most appropriate battle — are you in it for purity or just getting the damn risk under control?
  5. When I was a boy, real men used Pine, and whimpy girly men used Eudora. What will all of you *nix geeks be horny for next year?
  6. In what ways does your company leak information — I bet Steve is pissed about this one!
  7. Mental note, need more disk space at home — isn’t this pretty! Do you have a set of off-site backups or is someone telling you that they’ve never taken the tape out of the silo (you know who you are!)
  8. Palm returns to it’s Visor roots and goes coloury fantastic. But is the price going to be better? Do you have a mobile device policy?
  9. Have you checked your EULA/slightly_more_enforceable_contract for your internet service? You’d be surprised what you’re not allowed to do! Hint: at home, I’m not allowed to use non-interactive services on my modem connection, and I’ve got a 30GB transfer cap on a 16mb/s line! If you’re all good, why not share the joy with the child molester in the car parked outside!
  10. I so want to project a situation status report on the wall over my desk – and this projector has the right kind of bulb life!
  11. The (almost) perfect hacker food — if only it was Jolt instead of Coca-Cola — I could finally expand to fill the space between my Aeron armrests and let my flesh become one with the cooling mesh seatpan and back support.
  12. When you were working out that mobile device security policy, did you think about U3 drives?
  13. How is this different from emailing your phone’s SMS number? Oh right – because this is another half baked idea from the Bluetooth SIG which will inspire some remarkable presentation in… Las Vegas… around mid summer!
  14. Mmmmmmm… data storage goodness. Remember how I said I needed more space at home? Gattaca is too cheap to buy me one of these. Bitch.
  15. How many investors and journalists do you think had trouble getting their avatars looking appropriately sexalicious for this event? Oh and please don’t mind the grey-goo rolling restarts of the entire world.
  16. Anyone worried about the rise of the machines in our upholstered caves?
  17. I wish there were more security device programmers who care as much as Joel does about the little things. Anyone logged into a security device over HTTP lately? Anyone startled to discover that there is no support for SSL on the management console of their new security device? Yeah, me too.
  18. For the last goddamn time. No more default passwords in new products!
  19. Do something for the future — help the One Laptop project produce something of higher security standard than Trusted Computing has managed. Thanks.
  20. This week was Patch Tuesday — did you?

Have a lovely weekend – look forward to the return of His Royal Highness on Monday!

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