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Hackers Foil Ticketmaster Website Security

Hackers have blown through the annoying captcha setup that Ticketmaster uses to trip up customers in an attempt to be secure.

From Vancouver Sun:

But even if the hackers don’t get there before you, regular ticket buyers could flood the online ordering site in such numbers that all the tickets could be sold out in minutes, or even in less than a minute depending on how tickets are being released.

“Maybe it takes you a minute-and-a-half to click through to buy a ticket, in that minute-and-a-half the hacker could have made 100,000 ticket requests,” said Ryan Purita, a forensic examiner and security specialist with Sherlock Forensics. “You cannot beat a hacker script.

“Nobody can type that fast and that’s where the advantage comes from.”

So, “you can’t hope for beating a script so, why try” seems to be the message. Odd.

For the full article read on.

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