Site icon Liquidmatrix Security Digest

I’m not your barista.

Good freakin morning to the lot of you.

I’m so pleased that so many of you stopped in yesterday to check up on me and issue your sincere hopes that I would feel better. It’s almost like being loved. But not in a Catholic way.

I’m halfway through my coffee flavoured coffee.

And I’ve found very little that actually interests me in the world. Having two of the best pompadours in the world posturing at each other is seriously freaking me out.

  1. Microsoft gets chatty about security releases.
  2. Schneier has the lowdown on dumb-assery – if you don’t read him, you must be able to factor large primes in your head.
  3. For those of you trying to manage and do infosec (like yours truly) – here’s the low down on how to foster collegiality. Some of these things might actually work!
  4. There’s one good way to breed new hackers. Singapore seems to have found it. Will it come with morality filters? Maybe they’ll just leave out the gum.

And some Apple linkage – because we drank the kool aid and feel the love.

And a last one for my son — he’d love one of these.

Yeah, not so much infosec in there. Ahh well, the master is away, the bell ringers will play.

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