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Look at How Smart Bill Brenner and Dave Lewis Are!

Well, maybe not. But David Spark decided to stick a camera in our faces anyway.

The question:
Is a network appliance-only defense a costly failure?

The answer:
“The less segmentation you have, the more you’re giving the path of least resistance to the malicious hacker,” said Bill Brenner (@billbrenner70), Senior Tech Writer, Akamai Technologies.

Don’t fool yourself into believing an array of network appliances are going to solve your problem, warned Dave Lewis (@gattaca), Global Security Advocate, Akamai. “You can drop in all the boxes with blinky lights you want. If you don’t tune them and set them up properly you’re just going to be back where you started and you’re just going to have a sunk cost on capital.”

“The simplest problem for years now is poor configuration. Companies buy all the walls but they’re haphazardly plugged together and it really is a full time job to keep it updated because things change on the network all the time,” added Brenner.

Lewis concluded with the advice to just be wary about participating in the mad rush to the cloud. If you don’t have all your security and encryption policies in place, all those wonderful cloud benefits could prove to be detrimental.

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