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State of California & Rhode Island Websites Breached

Looks like the hacker group calling themselves “The Unknowns” is making some noise on the Intertubes again. This time it is by hacking the State of California & Rhode Island’s websites.

The hackers claim to not be another Anonymous and not hacktivists against the government and just looking to make the internet safer.

“Just protect your site, nothing else to say. I will forgive you this time; no sensitive data will be displayed… The Unknowns are ready to help you if you want so, just contact us at:,”

No attack technique details have been released but as for the State of California they also dumped username/password details for 4 administrators. The passwords aren’t in plain text but unfortunately MD5 is the next best thing.

In the past, this hacker group has hacked government websites such as NASA and the ESA. A security officer from ESA actually did disclose the method of attack was SQL injection which confirms my suspicions of what they are probably using in most of these attacks.

Any further info about these attacks or others like it, feel free to drop us a line at mailbag [AT]


Article: Rhode Island
Article: California

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