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Wired Magazine is Out of Touch

Today I was reading through my RSS feeds when I came upon an article written by Leander Kahney at The article titled “Mac Attack a Load of Crap“. Here’s a passage,

Mac security-threat stories are annoying, he said, because they play off misconceptions — held with a fervor bordering on the religious — that the Mac platform is inherently more secure than Windows.

Now the problem here is not a case of Windows vs Mac. That argument played out a long time ago (catch up). Being a linux user myself I sit on the sidelines and smile. All of this OS pissing match is tiresome. Now, before I wander off too badly, Mac malware. The argument of Leander’s editor that Mac didn’t have viruses before now was due to market share might have some truth to it. But, to say that the new viruses are a load of crap is foolhardy to say the least. The Mac malware arrival is merely the beginning, an arrival in the undiscovered country. Before long this problem will grow. Virus writers are testing their monsters.

Now of course he concludes with,

I’m so confident in my Mac’s security, here’s my IP address in case any hackers want to take potshots at my machine….Just kidding. I’m not that dumb.

That being said however, everytime someone says “just kidding” there is a modicum of truth embedded in it. The good folks at F-Secure received two more malware samples today. All kidding aside 😉 practice common sense. Do yourself a favour, keep AV up to date and stay on top of your patches. Oh yeah, and stop reading Wired.

[tags]Apple, Security, Malware[/tags]

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