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Yeah, Yeah, What-EVER! Coffee-free news and vitriol for a Tuesday


I’m not good at doing things on time.

Ask around.

This is not the morning coffee edition that you’re used to. That holidaying crap-monkey still isn’t back and I’m sick. Well, not entirely sick, just really not ready to be back up to my eyeballs in questions and “did you get this done yet”.

I’ve been collecting news for a while in a series of half hearted attempts to post. I don’t feel like doing all the copy and pasting necessary for that right now, so this is what you’re going to get. And you’re going to like it.

Non-Security News of Note:

Anyone watching that catastrophuck happening in North Korea?

Security News:

  1. It’s that time of the month again.
  2. Schneier talks about no-fly lists – are you on it, should you get to skip it.
  3. Theo talks about proprietary junk in the free world.
  4. Debian types give old dog a rodent lift.
  5. You will be an IE7 user. There will be no resisting.
  6. Get ready to suck spam. Or “How I got off the blacklist in one easy court motion.”
  7. Things to attach to your border firewalls this season.
  8. Because I can’t resist a horde of bad video either.
  9. And while you’re at it — go read an analyst report — find out why your boss is suddenly just a tiny bit brighter than before.

    I expect to be this crabby for the foreseeable future, so if you don’t like it, feel free to comment. Or don’t. Since all of you only use the nice folks at Liquid Matrix for our RSS feeds and then don’t call us in the morning and why do we itch that way now?

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